Sunday, July 13

Friday, July 4th

We celebrated Independence Day with two AWESOME barbecues. As we drove from Seattle back to Amanda’s parents in Pasco, we stopped off in Snoqualmie to see my nephew Matt and his family. Amanda, Danielle and I enjoyed Matt and Heather’s kind hospitality, along with delicious food. It also gave me a chance to see my great-nephews (that’s still so weird for me to say – I’m too young to be a great-aunt, although I’m a GREAT aunt): Cannon, Luke, Henry and Matthew.

After spending all too little time with Matt and Heather (and after getting growled at by Luke for trying to hug him), we drove on to the Weikum’s, for another great barbecue.

That night we sat in front of the Weikum’s and watched the LONGEST fireworks show I’ve ever seen. Not that I’m complaining – most of the time people complain that they’re too short. It was hilarious – every time we thought we were watching the finale it kept going.

One more day...


Miss L said...

Super J has a cousin whose husband spent $800 on fireworks and their "show" lasted over an hour. Ugh.

Hopefully you had "nice" fireworks, even if it was LONG. :)